Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Champagne Toast at the Saint Regis

We were back hiking yesterday, scouting photo locations in case it ever snows again (lowest snowfall in January for 12 years) and latterly hiked over the mountain.  While in the woods, we came across what looked like bear tracks and can also confirm that it is true when they say what bears do in the woods!  We came out right at the Dear Valley ski lodge and decided to take the bus back to our car, which was parked several miles away by road.  But before getting on the bus, we decided to reward ourselves with a Hot Toddy at the Saint Regis, a high end hotel near the base lodge -  Lucky for us, we arrived just as the evening champagne toasting got underway.  It starts with one of the staff telling a story about Napoleon and then he opened the champagne bottle with a saber - a la Napoleonic cavalry officers. Pretty dramatic.  This is what it looked like.

Did I mention the best part was that they handed out free glasses of the bubbly to everyone present after the ceremony?!?!

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