Thursday, October 9, 2014

We've been busy driving all over the Adirondacks, taking in all the natural beauty and stopping to take pictures along the way.  We also passed through the self-proclaimed worlds largest yard sale in Warrensburg NY. The whole town turned into a huge yard sale which was also a huge pain in the butt since it took about 1/2 hour to go about three miles. If you look up world's largest yard sale, you will find there are at least a dozen "world's largest."

Here are some pictures from out travels.


Of course, Karol's pictures are waaay better than mine, as seen at She has better equipment, knows more, is more talented and takes her time to get the best shot - whereas, I point and click.  Here she is at work.

Before we left White Pine Camp, I made a special friend at the lodge.

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